The Global Digest

About Us

The Global Digest is a non-profit media group, which focuses on human rights and democracy issues around the globe. It's started by a group of All Ethnics Democracy and Human Rights Network activists from Myanmar. The team members have various experiences to proclaim to the World, i.e. under the military dictatorship rule in Myanmar, team members of "The Global Digest" have experienced various kinds of suffering, have been witnessed on human rights abuses and an undemocratic ruling system in the country which the world may wonder to know.

The Global Digest mainly focuses on the news which may not interested by mainstream media. Therefore Global Digest would be more focused on the backward groups, minority voices from around the World.

The Global Digest has various correspondents, contributors, and writers from around the world on silent abused and minority voices. The group has two offices located in different geographical locations one in South Korea and one in Norway.

Contact Address:

Euro office:
Tordenskjoldsgate 90, (Leie)H.O206, 4614 Kristiansand S., Norway.
Tel: 0047-9769 0451

Asia-Pacific office:
93-53 Kalweoldong, Yongsangu,Seoul (140-807), Republic of Korea
Tel.: +82-10-9991-7801, E-mail:

Copyright©2011 the Global Digest. All rights reserved.
