Nuclear Weapons: Greatest Threats To Global Security
Special ContribbbutiionBy Ajay Ghosh

Nuclear Security Summit 2016
More than 50 world leaders attend Nuclear Security Summit 2016, commit to pledged to boost communal efforts to secure nuclear materials
“Of all the threats to global security and peace, the most dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons,” wrote President Barack Obama in an article he wrote for The Washington Post. Quoting former President Ronald Reagan, who had said “we seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth,” Obama wrote, “That’s why, seven years ago in Prague, I committed the United States to stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and to seeking a world without them.” Obama inaugurated the first Nuclear Security Summit nearly six years ago, after a landmark speech in Prague in 2009 laying out the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.
More than 50 world leaders along with international organizations like the United Nations and INTERPOL attended the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit 2016 of Obama’s presidency, March 31st - April 1st focusing on efforts to lock down vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear terrorism, which he called "one of the greatest threats to global security" in the 21st century. While speaking at the nuclear security summit in Washington, Obama said, the world faced a persistent and evolving threat of nuclear terrorism despite progress in reducing such risks. But he insisted: “We cannot be complacent.”
While addressing the Summit leaders, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India pledged to accord a high national priority to nuclear security through strong institutional framework, independent regulatory agency and trained and specialized manpower, while developing and deploying technology to deter and defend against nuclear terrorism, by making efforts to stop nuclear smuggling and strengthen the national detection architecture for nuclear and radioactive material.
These biannual nuclear summits, aimed at locking down fissile material worldwide that could be used for doomsday weapons, were proposed by President Obama back in 2009, barely two months into his presidency. "We must insure that terrorists never acquire a nuclear weapon," he declared, calling such a scenario "the most immediate and extreme threat to global security." In that same April 2009 speech, Obama challenged the world's keepers of some 2,000 tons of highly enriched uranium and plutonium to "secure all vulnerable nuclear material around the world within four years."
Since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, proliferation of nuclear weapons has increased tremendously. During the Cold War, much of the debate centered on the U.S.-Soviet nuclear balance. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, nuclear weapons have continued to be a major preoccupation of America, with more nations acquiring the nuclear weapons and many more trying to build nuclear arsenals. But, the most dangerous threat has been from the terrorist and rogue groups that have been stealing and making all out efforts to get hold of enriched uranium, a component that is used to build nuclear weapons.
Deadly bomb attacks in Brussels last month have fueled concern that Islamic State could eventually target nuclear plants, steal material and develop radioactive “dirty bombs”. Militants were found to have videotaped the daily routine of a senior manager of a Belgian nuclear plant, Obama said. Obama said the required 102 countries had now ratified an amendment to a nuclear security treaty that would tighten protections against nuclear theft and smuggling. “Our nations have made it harder for terrorists to get their hands on nuclear materials. We have measurably reduced the risks,” Obama said. But he acknowledged that with roughly 2,000 tons of nuclear material stored around the word, “not all of this is properly secured.”
While gains have been made, arms-control advocates say the diplomatic process – which Obama conceived and championed - has lost momentum and could slow further once he leaves the White House in January, next year. A boycott by Russian President Vladimir Putin, unwilling to join in a U.S.-dominated gathering at a time of increased tensions between Washington and Moscow over Ukraine and Syria, added to doubts that the meeting would yield any major decisions.
Moscow, which holds the world's largest nuclear weapons stockpiles, ended virtually all its nuclear cooperation with the U.S. more than two years ago as part of the political fallout from tensions over Ukraine. "One could argue that without Russia there to weaken some of the [summit's] statements, as it has done in the past, you could probably get more forceful results," says Olga Oliker, a Russia expert at CSIS. "I mean, there's progress that could be made on a number of areas, but there are a lot of areas where Russia's absence is sort of a missing elephant in the room."
World leaders and international organizations pledged to boost communal efforts to secure nuclear materials. But there won't be any more global summits on the issue in the near future. The leaders said in a joint communique at the summit's close that this year's meeting will be the last. They're turning to the United Nations, Interpol, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other entities to take over responsibility for the issue. The broad goal of the summit process has been to address the threat of nuclear terrorism by minimizing and securing weapons-usable nuclear materials, enhancing international cooperation to prevent the illicit acquisition of nuclear material by non-state actors such as terrorist groups and smugglers, and taking steps to strengthen the global nuclear security system.
The world leaders say there's more work to prevent nuclear terrorism and promote disarmament, which requires further international cooperation President Barack Obama says there's a persistent and evolving threat of terrorists conducting a nuclear attack.
For now, U.S. experts are less concerned about militants obtaining nuclear weapon components than about thefts of ingredients for a low-tech dirty bomb that would use conventional explosives to disperse radioactive material and sow panic. U.S. officials said they had no doubt that Islamic State, which controls swaths of Syria and Iraq, was interested in obtaining such materials, but authorities had no explicit evidence that the group had tried to do so.
Rightly so, in his concluding remarks at the Nuclear Summit 2016, President Barack Obama urged world leaders on April 1st to do more to safeguard vulnerable nuclear facilities to prevent “madmen” from groups like Islamic State from getting their hands on a nuclear weapon or a radioactive “dirty bomb.” Obama said no group had succeeded in obtaining bomb materials but that al Qaeda had long sought them and cited actions by Islamic State militants behind recent attacks in Paris and Brussels that raised similar concerns. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible,” he said. "It would change our world.”
Nine countries together possess more than 15,000 nuclear weapons. The United States and Russia maintain roughly 1,800 of their nuclear weapons on high-alert status – ready to be launched within minutes of a warning. Most are many times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. A single nuclear warhead, if detonated on a large city, could kill millions of people, with the effects persisting for decades.
China is seeking to soon achieve a nuclear triad (land, air, and sea-based nuclear delivery capabilities). Analysts estimate that China’s inventory is close to two hundred and fifty warheads. This includes short, intermediate, and long-range ballistic missiles. Some experts say China has as many as sixty long-range missiles with ranges between 4,350-9,320 miles. North Korea’s quest to acquire nuclear weapons has been never ending.
Southern Asia is home to three nuclear powers—China, India, and Pakistan—that continue to expand and modernize their arms programs. Motivated by the need to address perceived security threats, each is seeking to expand ballistic missile and cruise missile-based nuclear delivery systems. Such nuclear competition is dangerous given mounting mistrust and a dearth of diplomatic measures in place to reduce risk of confrontation. Experts estimate that Pakistan has 110 to 130 warheads and two types of delivery vehicles (PDF): aircraft and surface-to-surface missiles. Pakistan’s chronic political instability, spotty nonproliferation record, and ongoing threats posed by militant forces have focused special concern on the safety of its nuclear materials.
India possesses a developed strategic nuclear program and currently fields nuclear-capable aircraft and ballistic missiles controlled by a civilian command structure, theNuclear Command Authority. New Delhi has an estimated stockpile of 110 to 120 warheads and is expanding its military nuclear capabilities. In 2011, New Delhi spent approximately $4.9 billion (PDF) on nuclear weapons, up from $4.1 billion the previous year, according to Global Zero, a nongovernmental disarmament movement.
The United States and India negotiated a landmark civil nuclear deal beginning in 2005, which was later signed into U.S. law in 2008. Washington saw the deal as a practical way to overcome barriers to cooperation and also because it believed "it would be better to have India inside the international nonproliferation tent than outside," says CFR's Alyssa Ayres. Other nuclear energy powers also boost India's civilian program: Tokyo pledged to negotiate a nuclear energy pact, a deal with Australia allows the export of uranium to India, and Russia has assisted India for years on the construction of reactors, with new deals in the works between the two countries. While India remains outside the NPT and the CTBT, its civilian nuclear facilities are now under IAEA safeguards and India has signed and ratified the IAEA Additional Protocol.
The failure of the nuclear powers to disarm has heightened the risk that other countries will acquire nuclear weapons. The only guarantee against the spread and use of nuclear weapons is to eliminate them without delay. Although the leaders of some nuclear-armed nations have expressed their vision for a nuclear-weapon-free world, they have failed to develop any detailed plans to eliminate their arsenals and are modernizing them.
According to analysts, nuclear safeguards like those that have emerged from previous Nuclear Security Summits are playing an increasingly important role in protecting the world from security threats. White House Deputy National Security Advisor Benjamin Rhodes all but declares that goal accomplished, pointing to the achievements of the previous three summits. "Because of these efforts, it is harder than ever before for terrorists or bad actors to acquire nuclear materials," Rhodes told reporters in a conference call prior to this week's summit. "That, of course, makes all of our people more secure."
According to Sharon Squassoni, a non-proliferation expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington defense think tank, the job isn't finished, warning that the political pressure to get it done is waning. "We know what to do," she says. "The question is, do we have enough willpower and money and attention to do it." Ajay Ghosh, MA, MSW 450 Dayton Road Trumbull, CT 06611 Phone # (203) 583-6750
Dr. Joseph M. Chalil Appointed Member of Global Advisory Board of Milestone Scientific

Dr. Joseph M. Chalil
LIVINGSTON, NJ--(Marketwired - March 01, 2016) - Milestone Scientific Inc. (NYSE MKT: MLSS), a medical R&D company that designs, patents, incubates and commercializes a growing portfolio of innovative injection technologies, announced the appointment of Joseph M. Chalil, MD, MBA, FACHE to the company's Global Advisory Board, where he will aid in the commercial development and worldwide rollout of the company's medical instruments.
Dr. Chalil is a physician and executive at Boehringer Ingelheim, the world's largest privately held pharmaceutical company. Dr. Chalil is also the Chairman of Global Clinical Research and Trial Network of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the second largest physician organization in the US, second only to the AMA, and has served as scientific advisor to AAPI for the past five years.
Dr. Chalil holds three US patents and his research includes clinical trial management in cystic fibrosis, multiple myeloma, and publications in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. He is a visiting professor at various universities and board member of various companies. Dr. Chalil is an expert in US healthcare policy and a strong advocate for patient centered care. Recent honors include; Recipient of the prestigious 2015 AAPI National Presidential Award; Recipient of the 2013 Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award; 2013 AAPI New York President's Award winner; Honoree by the American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO) for his achievements in the field of cardiology in 2013; and Boehringer Ingelheim President's Club winner for 2011 & 2014.
Leonard Osser, CEO of Milestone Scientific, commented, "We welcome the involvement of Dr. Chalil as we enter the final stages of our U.S. clinical trials for the epidural instrument. Dr. Chalil brings an impressive background and a wealth of commercial and regulatory experience as a senior executive at the world's largest privately held pharmaceutical company. As a successful inventor and physician, he also brings a unique perspective from both an entrepreneurial and clinical perspective. We look forward to working closely with Dr. Chalil as we advance toward finalization of our 400 patient epidural study and then begin the full commercial rollout of our epidural instrument following regulatory marketing clearance."
Milestone Scientific Inc. (MLSS) is a medical R&D company that designs, patents, incubates and commercializes a growing portfolio of innovative injection technologies. Milestone's computer-controlled systems make injections precise, efficient, and virtually painless. For more information please visit our website: Ajay Ghosh: Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI Signs MoU To Eradicate Tuberclosis In India
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh

AAPI leaders joined by several not for profit leaders at the signing of the MOU to eradicate Tuberclosis in India
New Delhi, India: January 31st, 2016: On the concluding day of the 10th Global Healthcare Summit in New Delhi, India, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work towards eradicating Tuberclosis (TB) by the year 2030 in India. “Continuing with AAPI's mission, which is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs, and giving back to their motherland, India, this historic signing of the agreement, is yet another way of showing our continued commitment to helping make India’s over a billion people, healthier,” declared Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI.
While India has been proactive against TB in recent years, there is still a long way to go. This signing of the agreement by AAPI, leading policymakers, administrators, technical experts, media persons, and members of civil society working in India’s TB landscape is truly a landmark in in AAPI’s history, Dr. Jain added. The MoU outlines the multifaceted nature of the TB epidemic, its impact on communities, learnings from global successes and the way forward towards tackling the disease successfully.
While Dr. Seema Jain, signed the landmark document on behalf of AAPI, Jamhoih (Jamie) Tonsing, Regional Director of The Union South-East Asia Office; Dr. Manoj Jain, Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University; Dr. Narendra Saini of the Delhi Medical Council; Kavita Ayyagari, Project Director (Challenge TB)’ and Dr Neerja Arora, Advocacy & Partnerships Officer at The Union, South East Asia were among others who had signed the document to work towards eradicating the deadly disease from the face of the earth. India bears the world’s largest burden of tuberculosis (TB), accounting for one-fourth of all new infections. Given that it kills nearly 300,000 people in India every year, the prevention and control of TB is a challenge at multiple levels, requiring the united efforts of a diverse range of stakeholders.
Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor of AAPI, who had emceed the event, referred to the the 10th international healthcare summit as a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007. “Since then AAPI has organized nine Indo-US/Global Healthcare Summits and developed strategic alliances with various organizations. It is these learning’s and relationships that have now enabled us to be part of this outstanding event that has been attended by very prominent and talented world leaders in medicine to help shape the content and make significant contributions towards “make in India” theme.
While India has been proactive against TB in recent years, there is still a long way to go. This publication features articles from leading policymakers, administrators, technical experts, journalists and members of civil society working in India’s TB landscape. It outlines the multifaceted nature of the TB epidemic, its impact on communities, learnings from global successes and the way forward towards tackling the disease successfully. The vision underlying the MoU envisages is for a TB free India, through achieving Universal Access by provision of quality diagnosis and treatment for all TB patients in the community. It involves extending the reach of RNTCP services to all people diagnosed with TB, including those with drug resistant TB, and those seeking treatment in the private sector.
Based on other international guidelines and standards, the government of India has developed by a large number of organizations and individuals, both within and outside of the Government of India. The Standards describe what should be done, and the TB treatment and care that should be provided throughout India. The 10th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2016 organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) concluded here on Sunday, January 3rd, 2015 with a call to continue to focus on initiatives to prevent diseases and make healthcare affordable, accessible and efficient for India’s over a billion citizens. Building on past achievements and identifying new areas to collaborate with the Government of India, GHS 2016 has been historic.
The Summit also helped establish India-centric guidelines for management of head injury and trauma. “The Trauma and Brain Injury Guidelines, which has been a unique contribution of AAPI has been accepted by the Government of India and been for the firt time made part of the curriculam by the Medical Council of India,” declared Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI. The historic 10th annual conference, attended by over 500 delegates from around the world, including 384 physicians from the United States alone, held from January 1st to 3rd, 2015 at the Maurya ITC Hotel in New Delhi, was packed with seminars, workshops and symposiums on modern research and healthcare topics.
Dr. Seema Jain urged members and supporters to come and participate in the the 34th annual convention of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to be held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016. For more details on AAPI and its various initiatives to make India’s healthcare system affordable, accessible and efficient, please visit:
AAPI’s 34th Annual AAPI Convention & Scientific Assembly To Be Held in New York, NY Ambassador Arun Singh To Address The Kick Off Press Conference In New York On February 12, 2016

Ambassador Arun Singh
The 34th annual convention of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) will be held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016. As you are aware, AAPI's mission is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. For 34 years the AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.
“The 2016 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an rare platform to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin,” says Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI . “Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you in New York!”
The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New Jersey Chapter. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Dr. Rita Ahuja, Convention Chairwoman of 2016 Annual Convention, said, “We have been working for more than two years in putting together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment. I and the Co-Chairs are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from the Tri-State region helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment.” “The preliminary program is in place, the major attractions include 10 – 12 hours of cutting-edge CME with renowned speakers, Women’s Forum, Men’s Forum, Product Theaters to highlight the newest advances in patient care and medical technology, Alumni meetings for networking, also an AAPI-India Strategic Engagement Forum to showcase the AAPI initiatives in India like Trauma Brain Injury Guidelines, MoU on TB Eradication in India and recognition of AAPI Award winners,” Dr. Sanjay Jain, a key organizer of the event elaborated.
Expecting to have an attendance of more than 2,500 delegates including Physicians, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students to attend the convention, the annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events. AAPI will be providing over 12 hours of CME credits in addition to numerous professional education seminars. “AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 31st annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI's membership,” Dr. Seema Jain, president of AAPI says.
In addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States. AAPI is an umbrella organization which has nearly 90 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For over 30 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 25,000medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States. AAPI, the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, and serves as an umbrella organization.
“Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Jain adds. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: and
Dr. Seema Jain Leads AAPI Delegation At 2015 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in LA Addresses Delegates On Healthcare Issues in India

Dr. Seema Jain
Dr. Seema Jain, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) led a delegation of AAPI leaders at the 2015 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) Convention in Los Angeles, California, a celebration marking Indian diaspora contributions that help to spur India's development.
Organized in collaboration with the the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, the US government and other members of the diaspora, Dr. Jain addressed on healthcare initiatives by AAPI in India, “I was excited to lead an AAPI delegation and part of a panel that discussed healthcare in India and how we as physicians are able to make a positive impact,” Dr. Jain said. During a panel discussion on Healthcare, Dr. Jain referred to the numerous initiatives AAPI has taken in India to make healthcare affordable, accessible and best quality. “AAPI has successfully collaborated with past Governments and with the new Government at the Center, we are looking forward to have renewed participation and engagement in areas related to health seeking to make a positive impact on Healthcare in India,” Dr. Jian told the delegates. “AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India.”
Dr. Jain drew the attention of the delegates to the Global health Summit by AAPI that continues to offer educational and training programs on areas that need special attention, including high priority areas such as Cardiology, Maternal & Child Health, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, HIT, Allergy, Immunology & Lung Health and Gastroenterology, Transplant and impact of comorbidities by world leaders in the field of medicine. “The scientific program developed by leading experts with the contributions of a Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee, with live streaming of sessions, which are viewed live by physicians from around the world,” she said. Dr. Jain emphasized the need for digitalizing Indian medical system, including the prescriptions of medications, which will eliminate people abusing of and getting addicted to prescription drugs. In collaboration with others, AAPI has established fully operational Trauma/EMS system in Pune, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahemedabad, Hyderabad and Delhi, since the year 2000.
Superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who has part of AAPI’s campaign to create awareness on Trauma and Brain Injury, has been requested to be part of the next Global Healthcare Summit to be held in New Delhi from January 1st to 3rd, 2016. AAPI’s focus of GHS 2016 will be on women-related issues, creating awareness among women on their role as nation builders, campaigning to prevent infant and maternal mortality, and mental health issues, Dr. Jain said.
AAPI Charitable Foundation (AAPI-CF) is the non-profit arm of AAPI, responsible for fulfilling the charitable mission of the organization. It runs 17 free clinics in India, which serve millions of patients annually. Overseeing participating in the healthcare initiatives at a number of free clinics run by its local and State chapters across USA, Dr. Jain said. AAPI is supporting three cancer centers and have developed three major trauma centers and a hospital in India. AAPI-CF has also raised funds and mobilized medical equipment and personnel for international disasters including the Tsunami, and Earthquakes in Gujarat and Maharashtra. In addition, AAPI’s local Chapters operate several free health clinics serving the uninsured and the underprivileged people across the United States “AAPI has successfully collaborated with past Governments and with the new Government at the Center, we are looking forward to have renewed participation and engagement in areas related to health seeking to make a positive impact on Healthcare in India, Dr. Jain said. “AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India.”
Dr. urged every aspiring young physicians to take advantage of a unique initiative announced at the PBD in LA, the India Corporate Internship Program. “I wanted our young and aspiring physicians to take advantage of be part of the India Corporate Internship Program, a prestigious, first-of-its-kind program of the Government of India, Ministry of the Overseas Indian Affairs, through the Overseas Indian Facilitation Center (OIFC) in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for the students of Indian origin pursuing Post Graduate Programs in Management, Engineering, and Science & Technology at premier universities of the world,” Dr. Jain said. The program invites them for paid internships in world class Indian companies for 2-6 months. Some of the world’s best healthcare providers, including Apollo Hospitals, Narayana Health, and Max Group are only a few who are looking forward to our budding physicians to be part of thie great initiative.
This program offers students of Indian Origin an opportunity to re-connect with their roots and work in their areas of interest in a dynamic multicultural environment, through paid internships. It is a unique and exciting opportunities for Indian Diaspora students to contribute and benefit from one of the world’s foremost, vibrant and increasingly global Indian business eco-system. -US $2200 per month. Students could explore options such as a matching grant or support in some other way from their University. The host company will either provide accommodation in a hotel/guest house or recommend suitable stay options. Interested candidates can apply to the program on the OIFC website ( or the University recruitment portal.
Wanted to draw your attention to the 10th anniversary of our annual Global Health Summit from January 1 – 3, 2016 at the prestigious ITC Maurya Hotel, New Delhi. With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, AAPI is refocusing our mission and vision of GHS 2016, AAPI would like to collaborate with local partners in India towards making a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India. The mission of AAPI is to share best practice and experiences from leading experts in the world and develop actionable plans for launching demonstration projects that enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people. “Come and join us at this historic Summit and be part of our Pre-Summit events to Vrindavan in Mathura, and the Taj Mahal in Agra,” Dr. Seema said. For more details, please visit:
Letter to U.S. President Barack Obama: 90 International personalities and CSOs call for the immediate and unconditional release of Vietnamese prisoner, Buddhist monk and dissident Thich Quang Do

Thich Quang Do
PARIS-BERGEN, 17 November 2015 - As U.S. President Barack Obama arrives in Southeast Asia this week, ninety (90) international personalities and civil society organizations worldwide have signed a letter urging the President to press for the release of Vietnam's most longstanding prisoner of conscience, Thich Quang Do, leader of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam and prominent human rights defender.
Initiated by the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (Paris) and the Rafto Foundation (Norway), together with Amnesty International, FIDH, Civil Rights Defenders, World Movement for Democracy, Lantos Foundation, PEN International, People in Need Foundation and Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l’Homme, the letter’s 90 signatories include Nobel Peace Prize laureates Jody Williams, Shirin Ebadi, Mairead Maguire and Tawakkol Karman, religious figures such as Mons. Vaclav Maly, Bishop of Prague, Fr. José Raúl Vera López, Bishop of Saltillo Mexico, Mgr Bulambo Lembelembe Josué of the DR of Congo, academics, writers, journalists, legislators, 23 members of the European Parliament, Lord Avebury, Baroness Berridge and Lord Alton of the UK House of Lords, numerous Rafto Prize laureates, human rights defenders and democracy activists from all over the globe.
The letter is sent to President Obama as he makes a landmark visit to the Philippines and Malaysia to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit and the U.S.-ASEAN and East Asia Summits, where he will meet with Vietnamese leaders. This is a symbolic year for the U.S. and Vietnam, as it marks 20 years of U.S.-Vietnam diplomatic relations and the 40th Anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. Human rights are the signatories’ major concern. In Vietnam today, religious leaders, civil society activists and bloggers face daily harassments and intimidation from the authorities simply for peacefully expressing their views, and have no legal framework to protect them, at the same time as the country seeks to strengthen economic and security ties with the U.S, they wrote.
The signatories stress that U.S.-Vietnam relations are only sustainable if they are founded on the mutual respect of democratic freedoms and fundamental human rights including the freedoms of expression, association, religion or belief and movement. The release of Thich Quang Do, they said, would be a “truly historic gesture” that would “give Vietnam the opportunity to demonstrate its willingness for progress, and reaffirm the United States’ determination to make human rights the cornerstone of this strengthened relationship”.
Thich Quang Do is Fifth Supreme Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV), a renowned spiritual leader, scholar, dissident and 16-times Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Thich Quang Do (87) has spent more than three decades in detention for his peaceful advocacy of religious freedom, democracy and human rights. For protesting the creation of a State-sponsored Buddhist Church, in 1982, he was sent into internal exile in northern Vietnam for ten years along with his mother, who died of cold and hunger in the harsh environment. In 1995, he was sentenced to five years in prison for organising a rescue mission for flood victims in the Mekong Delta.
Released in 1998 due to international pressure, Thich Quang Do was placed under house arrest at the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). His communications are monitored and he is denied freedom of movement and citizenship rights. From house arrest, Thich Quang Do continues to press Vietnam to embrace democratic pluralism and respect all human rights for all.
For more information: Vo Van Ai and Penelope Faulkner, Vietnam Committee on Human Rights, Paris (English, French, Vietnamese), Email: – Tel. (33.1) 45 98 30 85 – Therese Jebsen, Rafto Foundation for Human Rights, Norway (English, Norwegian), Email: – Tel. (47) 41 51 13 90 –
Letter to U.S. President Barack Obama: New York, Washington, London, Paris, Stockholm, Bergen, Prague, 12th November 2015
Dear President Obama,
We, the undersigned, academics, legislators, artists, religious leaders, members of international institutions and civil society organisations worldwide, believe in the power of dialogue and engagement, and we welcome the United States’ strengthened relationship with Vietnam. However, we are equally convinced that this relationship is only sustainable if it is founded on the mutual respect of democratic freedoms and internationally-recognised human rights. You will soon make a landmark trip to Southeast Asia to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit and the U.S.-ASEAN and East Asia Summits, where you will meet with Vietnamese leaders. This year is highly symbolic for your two nations, marking the 20 years of US-Vietnam diplomatic relations and the 40th Anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.
As you know, the very word Vietnam evokes a multitude of contrasting and conflicting images in people’s minds, and your visit will surely not escape this debate. For many, it is a historic step forward in strengthening economic and security ties, one that will help enhance the lives of millions of Vietnamese and advance peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. For others, human rights are the major concern. Whilst Vietnam has opened its economy, it remains a one-Party state in which freedom of expression, association and religion are curbed. Religious leaders, civil society activists and bloggers face daily harassments and intimidation simply for peacefully expressing their views, and have no legal framework to protect them.
We therefore call on you, Mr. President, to make a truly historic gesture on Vietnam. We urge you to press for the release of Vietnam’s most longstanding prisoner of conscience, the Buddhist monk and prominent dissident Thich Quang Do. This gesture would be deeply meaningful for the Vietnamese people, for Buddhism has a 2,000-year history in Vietnam, and has deeply influenced the nation’s culture and thinking. It would also give Vietnam the opportunity to demonstrate its willingness for progress, and reaffirm the United States’ determination to make human rights the cornerstone of this strengthened relationship.
Fifth Supreme Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV), a renowned spiritual leader, scholar, dissident and many-times Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Thich Quang Do, 87, has spent more than three decades in detention for his peaceful advocacy of religious freedom, democracy and human rights. For protesting the creation of a State-sponsored Buddhist Church, in 1982 he was sent into internal exile in northern Vietnam for ten years along with his mother, who died of cold and hunger in the harsh environment. In 1995, he was sentenced to five years in prison for organising a rescue mission for flood victims in the Mekong Delta, charged with “undermining national solidarity”. During his years in exile and prison, Thich Quang Do translated an 8,000-page “Great Dictionary of Buddhist Terms” into Vietnamese, a work of erudition that has won overwhelming acclaim.
Released in 1998 due to international pressure, notably thanks to an appeal by the then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Thich Quang Do was placed under house arrest at the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). “I went from a small prison into a larger prison”, he said. Since then, he has remained under house arrest without any formal indictment or charge. His communications are monitored and he is denied freedom of movement and citizenship rights. Thich Quang Do is a recipient of the prestigious Rafto Prize for human rights defenders, and, along with others in the country’s democracy movement, the World Movement for Democracy’s “Democracy Courage Tribute”.
From house arrest, Thich Quang Do continues to press Vietnam to respect all human rights for all. In August 2015, he told visiting US Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski that “human rights are the tools with which we can build a prosperous and caring society, based on mutual respect and the rule of law.” Thich Quang Do even evoked your possible visit to Vietnam, expressing hopes that the U.S. President would "win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people by speaking out for human rights.”
Mr. President,
In your memorable speech to the Australian Parliament in 2011 on the United States’ policy of “redressment to Asia” you said: “History is on the side of the free -- free societies, free governments, free economies, free people. And the future belongs to those who stand firm for those ideals, in this region and around the world”. Thich Quang Do has sacrificed his own safety and liberty to stand firm for these ideals. We earnestly urge you to stand by him now, and win back his freedom at last. Sincerely,
Co-sponsors: Vo Van Ai, President, Vietnam Committee on Human Rights, Quê Me Gunnar Sørbø, Chairman, Rafto Foundation for Human Rights Salil Shetty, General Secretary, Amnesty International Jennifer Clement, President, PEN International Karim Lahidji, President, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Art Kaufman, Senior Director, World Movement for Democracy Simon Panek, Managing Director, People in Need Foundation Robert Hårdh, Executive Director, Civil Rights Defenders Steven Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International USA John Edmundson, President, Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l’Homme Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, President, Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice
Signatories: Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, USA Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Rafto Prize Laureate, Iran Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Ireland Tawakkol Karman, Nobel Peace Laureate, Yemen Kerry Kennedy, President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, USA Carl Gershman, President, National Endowment for Democracy, USA Hon. Kim Campbell, Former Prime Minister of Canada, Chair of Steering Committee, World Movement for Democracy Robert Hermann, Vice President for International Programs, Freedom House, USA David J. Kramer, Senior Director for Human Rights & Democracy, McCain Institute for International Leadership, USA James S. Denton, Publisher/Editor, World Affairs Journal, USA Joshua Muravchik, Distinguished Fellow, World Affairs Institute, USA Kevin Bales, PhD, Visiting Prof. of Human Rights, University of Chicago, USA Knut Vollebaek, Former Foreign Minister of Norway Emma Bonino, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy Hon. David Kilgour, Former Canadian Minister of State for Asia-Pacific Lord Avebury, House of Lords, Vice-Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights (UK) Baroness Berridge, House of Lords, Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on International Religious Freedom or Belief (UK) Lord Alton, House of Lords, Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea (UK) Rebiya Kadeer, President, World Uyghur Congress, Rafto Prize Laureate, Tom Lantos Prize winner 2015 Fr. José Raúl Vera López, Bishop of Saltillo México, Rafto Prize Laureate 2010 Mons. Vaclav Maly, Catholic Bishop of Prague, President, the Justice and Peace Commission, Czech Bishops’ Conference Peter Van Dalen, Member of the European Parliament, Co-Chair of EP Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief Laura Agea, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Ramon Tremosa I Balcells, Member of the European Parliament, Catalonia Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Kostas Chrysogonos, Member of the European Parliament, Greece Ignazio Corrao, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Mark Demesmaeker, Member of the European Parliament, Belgium Stefan Eck, Member of the European Parliament, Germany Eleonora Evi, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Ana Maria Gomes, Member of the European Parliament, Portugal Tania Gonzáles Peñas, Member of the European Parliament, Spain Nathalie Griesbeck, Member of the European Parliament, France Jean Lambert, Member of the European Parliament, UK Giulia Moi, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Bronis Ropė, Member of the European Parliament, Lithuania Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Member of the European Parliament, France Barbara Spinelli, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Dario Tamburrano, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Ivo Vajgl, Member of the European Parliament, Slovenia Marco Valli, Member of the European Parliament, Italy Julie Ward, Member of the European Parliament, United Kingdom Jana Žitnanska, Member of the European Parliament, Slovakia Noel Mamère, Member of the National Assembly, Mayor of Bègles, France William Nygaard, President, Norwegian PEN Bjorn Engesland, Secretary General Norwegian Helsinki Committee Maria Dahle, Executive Director, Human Rights House Foundation, Norway Gunvor Kronman, CEO Finland Prof. Dr. Josef Haslinger, President, German PEN Center Prof. Sascha Feuchert, Vice-President German PEN Center, Writers in Prison Committee Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Secretary General, CIVICUS Mervyn Thomas, Chief Executive, Christian Solidarity Worldwide Edwin A. Cranston, Professor of Japanese Literature, Harvard University Zohra Yusuf, FIDH Vice President, & Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Michael Y. M. Kau, Former Deputy Foreign Minister, Senior Fellow, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy Fr. Ismael “Padre Melo” Moreno Coto, Rafto Prize Laureate 2015, Honduras Mgr Bulambo Lembelembe Josué, Coordinator Peace and Reconciliation Programme, Church of Christ in DR Congo, Rafto Prize laureate 2008 N. Paul Divakar, Chairperson, Asia Dalit Rights Forum – Rafto Prize Laureate 2007 Maryam Al-Khawaja, Co-Director Gulf Center for Human Rights, Rafto Prize Laureate 2013 Nedal Al Salman, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Rafto Prize Laureate 2013 Dr. Peter Molnar, Poet, Senior Research Fellow, Central European University, Budapest, Rafto Prize Laureate 1989 Dr. Ian Hancock, Director of Romani Studies, University of Texas, Rafto Prize Laureate 1996 Dr. Frank Mugisha, Executive Director, Sexual Minorities Uganda, Rafto Prize Laureate, 2011 and Robert F. Kennedy Prize Laureate Paulos Tesfagiorgis, Senior Advisor at International IDEA, Johannesburg, South Africa and Eritrea, Rafto Prize Laureate 2003 Malahat Nasibova, Director, Democracy and NGO's Development Resource Center, Azerbaijan and Norway, Rafto Prize Laureate 2009 Nnimmo Bassey, Director, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Rafto Prize Laureate 2012 Dr. Pavel Chikov, Director, Agora, Kazan, Tartarstan, Russia, Rafto Prize Laureate 2014 Muireann O’Briain, Former Executive Director of ECPAT International, Rafto Prize laureate 1998 Prof. Kariane Westrheim, University of Bergen, Chair, EU Turkey Civic Commission Marco Pannella, Former MEP, leader and founder of the Nonviolent Radical Party, Italy Judge Essa Moosa, Judge, High Court of South Africa, International Peace and Reconciliation Initiative Hannah Forster, African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (The Gambia) Poengky Indarty, Executive Director, Imparsial, Indonesia Gustavo Amaya, President, Training Center and Promotion of Democracy, San Salvador Vanida Thephsouhvanh, President, Lao Movement for Human Rights Olivier Dupuis, Journalist, former Member of the European Parliament, Belgium Alvin Jacobson, Amnesty International USA, Group 56 Case coordinator Taeho Lee, Secretary General, People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, South Korea
Dr. Ajay Lodha Appointed Member of Nassau Advisory Council on MWBE
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh

Dr. Ajay Lodha
Dr. Ajay Lodha, President-Elect of American Association of Indian Physicians and an active member of the Rajasthan Association of North America was appointed a member of the Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos’s MWBE Advisory Council recently. Nassau County on Long Island has a growing number of Indian American population.
The appointment of Dr. Lodha is yet another way of the County recognizing the importance and influence of the Indian Americans, who are known to be highly successful, and are known for their achievements in education, high per capita income and business.
The mission of the council is to assist the County in doubling the participation of the Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise businesses in the contracting process. The advisory council will assist the Comptroller’s office in monitoring the County’s compliance with MWBE Goals and encourage MWBE firms to participate in County contract opportunities.
Dr. Ajay Lodha hides a power house of entrepreneurial skills. Dr. Lodha has extensive background of overseeing quality assurance and quality improvement. A graduate of RNT Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, completed his residency at Flushing Hospital, NY, and Founder and President of Queens Medical Services, a primary care practice with two locations serving Queens, NY, Dr. Lodha is the past President AAPIQLI, RAJMAAI, RANA. He is also credited with founding the COO of NYS Elite ACO, as well as being a partner in two skilled nursing facilities on Long Island.
His vision for AAPI ‘is to increase the global awareness of APPI. I would like to see us lobby Congress for an increase in the number of available Residency Positions so as to help alleviate the shortage of Doctors. That younger physicians and MSRF members feel fully integrated into AAPI and take a more active role.” His experiences in organizing conferences and meetings which help to bring members together and attract new members which is vital to the success of the organization.
In his capacity as the Member of Nassau Advisory Council on MWBE I will make sure through my connection to Indian-American community to increase awareness of the Nassau County Government MWBE out-reach program. I hope to assist the office in organizing educational seminars for South Asian business owners, where they can learn how to apply for contracts.”
Onam celebration by MASCONN in Trumbull, CT showcases culture & traditions of Kerala, India
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh

A Bharatnatyam, a classical Indian dance being performed
(Trumbull, CT: September 13th, 2015): Indian Americans continue to come in large numbers and settle down in the state of Connecticut particularly in towns with reputations for excellent schools. The latest figures from the U.S. Census show 37,545 people of Indian origin living in the state, an increase of about 14,000 from 2000. In the last five years since the last census, there has been a very significant influx of Indian Americans in the Constitution state. The reasons to move here, Indian Americans say, remain education and opportunity. This fast growing presence of the Indian American community was evident when nearly three hundred people from across the southern state of Connecticut came together to participate in and cherish their rich cultural heritage and be part of the annual Onam celebrations organized by the Malayalee Association of Southern Connecticut (MASCONN) on Saturday, September 12th, 2015 at Madison Middle School, Trumbull, CT. The more than four-hours long cultural extravaganza was in many ways “reliving the culture and traditions” and a “cherishing the past with a view to pass it on to the future generation.”
Living in countries that are far away from their homeland, in the midst of different cultures, busy with the day-to-day mundane work and home tasks, the Non Resident Indian (NRI) community made this "land of opportunities" their home, have brought with them these cultural traditions and have sought to pass them on to their children, who are often born and raised here. The celebration of Onam festival provides them with a perfect opportunity to encourage the new generation of children of Indian origin to witness, learn and appreciate these rich traditions, even while it offers the first generation NRIs to stay connected and cherish the rich cultural heritage they hold so dear to them as well as it serves as a way of showcasing these traditions to the larger American community..
Onam is a festival celebrated in the south-western state of Kerala, India. The Keralites or the Malayalees, the illustrious people of the beautiful state are known around the world, celebrate the festival of Onam wherever they are. Celebrated around the world by Malayalees during the month of Chingam of the Kerala Calendar, which falls in August-September, festivities lasts for ten days and bringing out the best of the Kerala culture and traditions. Intricately decorated Pookalam, ambrosial Onasadhya, breathtaking Snake Boat Race and exotic Kaikottikali dance are some of the most remarkable features of Onam celebrations. According to legends, Onam awaits one very special visitor, Kerala's most loved legendary King Maveli. He was the King who once gave the people a golden era in Kerala. The King is so much attached to his kingdom that it is believed that he comes annually from the nether world to visit his people living happily. It is in honor of King Mahabali, affectionately called Onathappan, that Onam is celebrated.
In his Onam message, Giby Gregory, President of MASCON, told the audience that the “beauty of the festival lies in its secular fabric. People of all religions, castes and communities celebrate the festival with equal joy and verve. Onam also helps to create an atmosphere of peace and brotherhood by way of various team sports organized on the day.” He added. “MASCONN an offshoot of the natural growth of the Indian-American especially Malayalee Community in the southern Connecticut region,” said Sujanan Puthenpuraiyil, vice president of MASSCON, in his welcome address. “In a very short period, we have grown by leaps and bounds and we strive to meet the growing needs of our community.” Legendary King Mahabali was welcomed to the stage with pancha vadyam and a warm traditional welcome by women, who later on performed Thiruvathirakkali, a folk dance, typically a Keralite dance, well known for its essence, grandeur and simplicity. In this traditional dance form, women clad in traditional Kerala attire with gold brocade attached to it and wearing jasmine garlands on their heads, rhythmically moved around a lighted Nilavilakku, singing and clapping their hands, to the tune of a particular genre of songs called Thiruvathirappaattu, which is meant solely for this graceful dance.
The colorful Pookoalm at the entrance of school and the traditional lamp gave a warm traditional Indian welcome to the participants. The cultural event consisted of several songs, mostly in Malayalam, a language spoken by Malayalees around the world. Children from the ages of five delighted the audience with their melodious voices, and several dances both cinematic and traditional, showcasing the rich variety of dance forms prevalent in India. The ambience was filled with nostalgia since it was an occasion for all the Malayalees in Connecticut to cherish their childhood memories, especially everyone enjoyed the sumptuous Onasadhya (meal) served on banana leaves, the most important and main attraction of the day with different traditional dishes and ''payasam'' that was served on banana leaves. Ajay Ghosh Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI’s New Executive Team Led By Dr. Seema Jain Wants To “Mainstream AAPI And Take AAPI To The Next Level”
Special Report, By Ajay Ghosh,
Dr. Seema Jain
(Chicago, IL: August 1st, 2015) A new Executive Committee led by Dr. Seema Jain as President, assumed charge of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) during the 33rd annual convention in Orlando, FL on Saturday, June 20th, 2015. In her inaugural address, Dr. Jain, who rose through the ranks of AAPI after being a member of AAPI and in almost every body of AAPI in the past 15 years, stated that she believes that “Now, it’s time for us to mainstream AAPI. From being an ethnic organization, we need to be a mainstream organization that is committed to the cause of ethnic Indian American physicians and many noble causes that we are committed for.” Dr. Seema Jain was administered the oath of office by Dr. Jayesh Shah, past President of AAPI in the presence of Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, immediate past President, as the more than 2,500 delegates cheered loudly, greeting the new President of AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the United States. Along with Dr. Jain, Dr. Ajay Lodha, President-Elect, Dr. Gautam Samadder, Vice President, Dr. Naresh Parikh, Secretary, and Dr. Suresh Reddy, Treasurer of AAPI assumed charge in the presence of leading luminaries from across the nation. Dr. Aravind Pillai was administered the oath of office as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, AAPI by the out-going chairman, Dr. Ajeet Singhvi. Dr. Rupak D. Parikh will serve as the President of the YPS while Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali will be the President of MSRF for the 2015-2016.
With over two decades of excellence and dedicated service to the cause of physicians of India origin in the United States, Dr. Seema Jain, brings a wealth of experience and vision clubbed with infectious zeal and unwavering integrity and commitment. A woman leader in a predominantly men’s club, Dr. Jain’s motivation for joining American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in 1987 was that "AAPI needed young charismatic leaders that had the service and leadership qualities needed to unite and bring Indian physicians to new levels in American society." In the past 33 years of AAPI's existence the organization has had only two women physicians leading this largest ethnic organization of physicians in the US, and Dr. Jain is the third woman President in its history. Dr. Jain believes “bridging the gap between clinical research and medical practice is central to AAPI’s mission, while working towards sustaining & securing financial growth. In addition, growth & empowerment of women leaders will guide AAPI to new heights. As Indian physicians in the United States it is our duty to nurture the present for a prosperous future.” Dr. Jain, a Board Certified Psychiatrist, is confident that the challenges can be met by a strong organization, working closely with American Medical Association and THE Political Health committees on Capitol Hill. According to Dr. Jain,, as an organization “we need to strive to give importance to ideas and not people. I wish to strive to make AAPI an organization where people feel proud to contribute their time and energy for the greater good of the members and the society.” “I have the confidence,” she says. “I have a solid team to work with. I was raised in a way that I am given the freedom. I really would like to have an open debate on every issue that confronts AAPI. Moving forward, there will be disagreements, but will work our ways together. I believe, I have the ability to change people's minds. People have seen me, heard me and they have the confidence in me.”
Dr. Jain gives full credit to her family for supporting at every step of the way. “I want to thank my family and my husband, Dr. Sanjay Jain, who has stood behind me solidly at step of my way. I have very good friends in AAPI, who have full confidence in me and I can trust them for guiding me through all stages in leading AAPI.” Dr. Aravind Pillai, Chair, Board of Trustees, AAPI, has been entrusted with the role after having served AAPI in various capacities. Very unassuming and down-to-earth, Dr. Pillai, says, “I have been impressed by the degree of support I have received from the outstanding leadership. I am grateful for their knowledge and support, which helped my transition from patron member to co-chair of the AAPI convention in 2008 to Board of Trustees member. For the past 20+ years, he has been working with various local and national organizations to help improve the health care system both in the US and India. Dr. Pillai had served as the past President and Convention Chair for the Association of Kerala Medical Graduates (AKMG) in 2006. In 2008, I co-founded the Central Florida Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (CAPI), and has been the Chair of the Awards Committee and convener of the most successful fund raising Shreya Ghoshal show. “With active participation from regional directors and chapter presidents, I would also like to establish an AAPI Yoga clinic,” Dr. Pillai says. “The clinic will serve as a treatment center for chronic back pain, migraines, breathing problems and generalized anxiety/depression. Once established, we hope to get as many AAPI physicians as possible to participate in the clinics, so that we can assist undeserved children and adults. I think the AAPI Yoga clinics can become an integral part of the preventative health initiative in the United States.”
In the coming year, as Chairman, Dr. Pillai wants to “discharge my duties without bias or prejudice. I hope that AAPI President Dr. Seema Jain, entire executive committee and I will continue to work together to improve AAPI’s image in USA and India. We will continue to provide active guidance to new immigrant physicians from India and support them as they go through the residency process. We will help local chapters to create endowment funds to distribute scholarships to deserving students. I would also like to start a country-wide AAPI awareness campaign. In order to continue to grow and flourish, it is important that we support our Young Physicians Section in any way possible,” DR. Pillai adds. Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali , the President of MSRF, recently graduated from his Dermatology residency at Mount Sinai/ St. Luke’s-Roosevelt hospitals. During his training, Dr. Bhanusali published numerous research studies and has presented worldwide. Recently, Dr. Bhanusali spent time working at the ABC News medical unit in New York City, served as an advisor at Doximity, and is the CEO of Health Digital, a rapidly growing digital health startup based out of NYC and Tampa, Florida.
He recalls, when he was younger, "I fondly remember heading to AAPI meetings with my family and seeing the deep relationships forged each year. The sense of pride and camaraderie was distinct, it was as if we were all a large family. Whether on capital hill or in your local hospital, I will work tirelessly to further enhance the reputation of our organization and bring it to new and exciting heights." His vision for AAPI is bring AAPI to the forefront of the medical community. "Utilizing our strong leadership and incredible membership, we will be building a strong mentorship platform to help the youth of our organization. We owe it to our future generations to create an environment that enables success moving forward," he says. As the President of the YPS for 2015-2016, Dr. Rupak D. Parikh plans to implement a myriad of initiatives on behalf of AAPI’s Young Physicians. His focus will be providing meaningful leadership development opportunities, along with connecting the multiple generations of Indian Physicians throughout the country in both networking and mentorship capacities. He firmly believes that the YPS will directly impact the future of healthcare on a national level.
It is his goal to create a platform through AAPI to advance young physicians, accelerate their achievement, and champion efforts which positively progress medicine. Dr. Parikh earned a position at an acclaimed Interventional Pain and Musculoskeletal Fellowship Program. His vision to create a superior model of sub-acute care propelled him to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors in lieu of the fellowship. In 2010, Dr. Parikh founded (ARC) Advanced Rehabilitation Care. Combining his business background in strategy and marketing with a core philosophy rooted in patient-centric post-acute care, he successfully developed an innovative treatment model; this specialized sub-acute program helped improve patient outcomes while simultaneously significantly reducing preventable re-hospitalization rates. Rupak currently spearheads the regional evolution and national expansion of ARC serving as its Executive Director.
The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers. AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity. Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation. Leading an organization that represents more than 100,000 physicians and Residents of Indian Origin in the US, and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, is a major challenge. American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI has made its presence felt and is now set to take this largest ethnic group of physicians in the United States to the next level of continued growth and stability. AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Many of the physicians who represent AAPI have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. AAPI physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and service.
Dr. Jain calls upon AAPI members to join in this historic journey: “AAPI’s mission is clear, our programs will continue to strive and our impact is infectious on benefiting society. We as physicians make significant contributions for the betterment of people's lives. As members we can make these contributions through the 4 E’s: Excellence of Education, Empowerment, Enlightenment, and Evolution. Today I ask you to set aside your differences, and join me in this noble journey to make our mission possible! We make history – starting today!” Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI Launches Scientific, Academic Research Foundation (SARF)
Special ReportBy Ajay Ghosh

Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI, addressing the audience at the Indian Consulate
New York, NY—July 5th, 2015: During a solemn ceremony, attended by physicians, community leaders and international media personnel, leaders of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic association of medical professionals in the United States, launched a pioneering initiative, Scientific, Academic Research Foundation (SARF) at the Indian Consulate in New York on Friday, July 3rd, 2015. “It has been a dream for me for the past 10 years, and today, we have been able to launch Scientific, Academic Research Foundation, which is dedicated to excellence in Medicine and supporting key academic research initiatives, Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI, told the audience. The first ever SARF Inaugural Awards Gala will be held on August 14, 2015 at the Pierre Hotel in New York, NY and the awardees will be recognized at the inaugural Gala, to be addressed by Hardeep Singh Puri, Secretary General of the Independent Commission on Multiculturalism, Bob Oliver, President and Chief Operating Officer, Otsuka America Pharmecuticals, Omar Ishark, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Medtronix, Inc, and Dnyneshwar Mulay, Consul General of India in New York.
“There is a plethora of Physicians of Indian Origin working globally who have their roots in India,” Dr. Jain, said. “It is estimated that there are 1.2 million Physicians of Indian Origin working not only in India, but also, in most of the countries around the world. Their contributions to the world of healthcare is enormous. It’s in this context, AAPI’s new initiative becomes very timely and unique,” she told the audience. “SARF has been founded to support and promote excellence in medicine, advance key research and academic initiatives and establishing a robust and credible process of recognizing significant contributions of Indian American Physicians with Excellence awards,” she said. Indian-Americans constitute less than one percent of the population in the United States, but they account for nearly nine percent of the nation’s physicians in the United States, having a very powerful presence across the nation, while serving in almost all parts of the country. They are estimated to provide healthcare to over 40 million patients in the US.

Ambassador Dnyneshwar Mulay with some of the AAPI leaders and media persons
As Forbes magazine aptly summed up, “The overrepresentation of Indians in these fields (engineering, IT and medicine) is striking “ in practical terms, one out of seven doctors is likely to be of Indian Heritage. In some states, including in the state of New Jersey, they serve and provide medical care to nearly 25% of the population. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. The SARF awards are for individuals who distinguish themselves and are at the cutting edge of their field, rising up above thousands of others. The logo for SARF illustrates this concept with a mark that emphasizes an upward, ascending motion. Gold represents the rarity and preciousness of the individuals and their work, and the blue surrounding it denotes the high level of quality and professionalism that comes with the biomedical field
“There is a need for greater visibility and cohesion of these Physicians. Their combined intellectual and technical strength can also be a vital force in the development of the healthcare sector, including research and academics. Indian physicians both in India and abroad excel in their fields and have a passion to provide quality care. AAPI through this new initiative, brings their collective power on one platform to help shape healthcare in underserved areas and work towards quality healthcare for all,” added Dr. Jain. While encouraging and honoring the current line of physicians, we are also encouraging the next generations, creating enthusiasm among the next generation of physicians who wioll act as catalysts for research and development in the healthcare field. Ambassador Dnyneshwar Mulay, in his inaugural address, metaphorically described the Indian American community as a “fertile ground,” where AAPI has grown to be a “Banyan tree,” and SARF is a “beautiful flower.” Praising AAPI for its significant contributions in helping strengthen Indo-US relationship, Mulay said, “SARF is an important beginning for AAPI. You are sowing the seeds today with this pioneering effort. Many other organizations of Indian origin that also have large membership will emulate AAPI to be their role model, following in your footsteps.”

A section of the audience at the Indian Consulate in New York on Friday, July 3rd, 2015
In his welcome note, Anwar Feroz, an Honorary Advisor of AAPI, said, “Physicians of Indian origin have made significant contributions to healthcare systems worldwide. AAPI, while serving as a forum and an advocate for these clinicians to mobilize their collective experience and expertise to help address global health issues with focus on the healthcare needs of this adopted land of theirs; assisting development of quality health care with affordable access for all.” SARF Award Categories include: Lifetime Excellence for Research & Innovation that recognizes a meritorious individual who has made significant contributions to the field of research through advocacy in medicine, clinical practice, or the surgical process. Excellence in Leadership to Young Physician Award recognizes two exceptional medical students, residents/fellows, or early career physicians that have gone beyond the medical practice to positively influence health care. Excellence in Global Health will recognize a physician whose influence has reached beyond the U.S. border to affect the international patient population. The Physician of the Year award will recognize a physician who has displayed significant involvement in community service, proven leadership, positive mentoring skills, and compassion and sensitivity, while collaborating with students and patients
Hall of Fame award is to recognize an individual who has spent their career providing outstanding contributions leading to extraordinary strides in the field of healthcare· Excellence in Hospital/Health System Management award will recognize an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership while working to improve outcomes, patient safety, quality of care, community engagement, and consistency in results· Excellence in Pharmaceutical/Medical Device Research & Innovation award will recognizes a C-suite leader in a pharmaceutical, device, or health technology company that has created significant and proven impact on addressing a major disease state, surgical intervention or application of technology to improve upon current treatment and management options· Excellence in Delivering Quality & Cost Effective Pharmaceutical Alternatives award is to recognize a C-suite leader in a pharmaceutical, device, or health technology company that has created significant and proven impact by utilizing disruptive innovation and making available breakthrough and expensive treatment/management options and significant reduction in cost Dr. Jain announced a high power, highly qualified and efficient pane of Judges to choose the winner of these prestigious awards. They are: Dr. Peter Carmel, Immediate Past President of American Medical Association; Dr. Elena Rios, National Hispanic Medical Association; Dr. Seymour Schwartz, Distinguished Alumni Professor, University of Rochester; Dr. Joseph Chalil, Chief Strategic Advisor at Provoctus; Dr. Devi Nambiaparambil, Assistant Professor at Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Dr. Edith Mitchell, NMA President Elect; Freda Lewis Hall, Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer; Dr. Luis Salmun, Executive Director, Boeringher Ingelheim; Rajeev Bambiri, CEO, India Abroad; and Paul Stoffel, Chief Scientific Officer at Johnson & Johnson.
Dr. Jain thanked all those who had worked hard in the past few months to make this day a reality. Prominent among those include: Dr. Sanjay Jain, Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, Dr. Thomas Alapatt, Dr. Samin Sharma, Dr. Jagat Narula, DFr. Anand Sahu, Dr. Gautam Samadder, Dr. Arvind Kumar, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, DFr. Chitra Kumar, Dr. Naresh Parikh, Dr. Jayesh Kanuga, Dr. Kishore Ratalkar, Dr. Atul Prakash, Dr. Sankaran Krishnan, Dr. Nilesh Patel, Dr. Raj Bhayani, and Dr. Pranay Vaidya. In his felicitation address, DR. Sudhir Parikh said, “Dr. Seema has taken the first step in making AAPI an international organization.” Dr. Ajay Lodha, President-Elect of AAPI, said, “We are very proud of Dr. Seema for taking AAPI to new heights. We are with you in this new endeavor and make it a success.” Dr. Gautam Samadder, Vice President of AAPI, said, “We want to congratulate you, Dr. Seema. This new initiative will help attract many 2nd generation young physicians to AAPI.”
Dr. Krishan Kumar, a BOT member described SARF to be “a dream come true for AAPI.” Dr. Rupak Parikh, YPS President, said, “AAPI has grown into a global leader in the past 34 years and has made a huge difference.” Dhaval Bhanushali, MSRF President, described SARF as “a new beginning for AAPI in recognizing talents, especially among the 2nd generation Indian American physicians.” Membership to SARF is given to all AAPI members in good standing. All physicians of Indian origin are eligible to apply for membership. In the coming years SARF is expected to grow and expand, while seeking to celebrate and honor the achievements and contributions of Physicians of Indian Origin.
The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, serving as an umbrella organization which has nearly 90 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For over 30 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 25,000medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States. AAPI, the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, and serves as an umbrella organization. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: Phone # (203) 583-6750
GUILTY! Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide
Feb 25, 2013
United Church of Canada
Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms - Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens' Arrests
Brussels: Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today's historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice. The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the citizens' arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.
The verdict read in part, "We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy"
The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized. The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001, "The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.
"The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants". The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. (A complete copy of the Verdict, the Court Order and a list of the Defendants is enclosed on the accompanying you tube link).
The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors. These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants' institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.
None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court. "Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn't innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?" commented one Juror, based in England.
"These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren't Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it". The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.
To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children. "This sentence gives a legal foundation and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world" commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor's Office, who presented its case to the world. (see, November 6 and January 30 postings)
"The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally begun to be be served. The dead can now rest more easily." Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after suddenly resigning two weeks ago.
The citizens' arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order. These actions will be filmed and posted at in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.
Issued by the Central Office, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, 25 February, 2013, Brussels
Drug-War Agency’s Latin America Operations Tarnished By A Pattern of Unaddressed Corruption Allegations
Apr 26, 2015
DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart
Dear Colleague,
Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy reports that the current scandal over Colombian narco-traffickers paying prostitutes to provide sex services to DEA agents has an even deeper footprint in the agency than the current head of the DEA has conceded, court records stemming from past DEA operations reveal.
Conroy reports:
“A March report by the Department of Justice Inspector General’s office that first revealed the allegations publicly indicates the sex parties with DEA agents and prostitutes in Colombia played out between 2005 and 2008. DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart wasn’t made aware of those activities until around 2012, according to the IG report. “This has been a very difficult week for DEA, with members of Congress and the media asking tough questions and sharing our outrage about the disgraceful conduct of a few individuals several years ago,” DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart states in an email sent to employees earlier this month.
“…The House Oversight Committee, which is investigating the charges, recently released a report based on DEA documents that indicates some of the illicit activities in Colombia actually date back to 2001 but involved only a handful of agents. “Court records reviewed by Narco News, however, show DEA agents in Latin America were hooking up with prostitutes as far back as the late 1990s as part of a much broader pattern of alleged corruption involving DEA’s operations in Colombia.”
From somewhere in a country called América, Al Giordano
America based Indian Physicians Launch “Scientific, Academic Research Foundation” Major announcements at the Press Conference to be hosted by the Consul General India, NY New York, NY: March 31, 2015

Consul General Amb. Dnyaneshwar M Mulay with Actress Ms Jinal Pandya
There is a plethora of Physicians of Indian Origin working globally who have their roots in India. It is estimated that there are 1.2 million Physicians of Indian Origin working not only in India, but also, in most of the countries around the world. Their contributions to the world of healthcare are enormous.
Indian-Americans constitute less than one percent of the population in the United States, but they account for nearly nine percent of the national physicians in the United States, having a very powerful presence across the nation, while serving in almost all parts of the country. They are estimated to provide healthcare to over 40 million patients in the US. Yet their contributions and impact on health and wellness lacks awareness with main stream America.
As Forbes magazine aptly summed up, the overrepresentation of Indians in these fields (engineering, IT and medicine) is striking force in practical terms, one out of seven doctors is likely to be of Indian Heritage. In some states, including in the state of New Jersey, they serve and provide medical care to nearly 25% of the population. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. It is in this context the formation of Scientific, Academic Research Foundation (SARF), which is dedicated to excellence in Medicine and supporting key academic research initiatives, becomes a very timely and unique initiative, says, Dr. Seema Jain, Chairman SARF. SARF inaugural gala will be held on August 14, 2015 at the Pierre Hotel, NY, NY and will feature SARF awards of excellence, recognizing individuals who distinguish themselves and are at the cutting edge of their field, rising up above thousands of others.
The SARF logo illustrates this concept with a mark that emphasizes an upward, ascending motion. Gold represents the rarity and preciousness of the individuals and their work, and the blue surrounding it denotes the high level of quality and professionalism that comes with the biomedical field There is a need for greater visibility and cohesion of these Physicians. Their combined intellectual and technical strength can also be a vital force in the development of the healthcare sector, including research and academics. Indian physicians both in India and abroad excel in their fields and have a passion to provide quality care. SARF has been founded to support and promote excellence in medicine, advance key research and academic initiatives and establishing a robust and credible process of recognizing significant contributions of Indian American Physicians with Excellence awards.
According to Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor ,SARF physicians of Indian origin have made significant contributions to healthcare systems worldwide. SARF, while serving as a forum and an advocate for these clinicians to mobilize their collective experience and expertise to help address global health issues will also focus on academics, research and recognition of significant contributions thereby raising awareness amongst main stream America;
For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:
America based Indian Physicians Launch “Scientific, Academic Research Foundation” New York, NY: March 31, 2015: continued..
SARF Award Categories include: - Lifetime Excellence for Research & Innovation that recognizes a meritorious individual who has made significant contributions to the field of research through advocacy in medicine, clinical practice, or the surgical process. - Excellence in Leadership to Young Physician Award recognizes two exceptional medical students, residents/fellows, or early career physicians that have gone beyond the medical practice to positively influence health care. - Excellence in Global Health will recognize a physician whose influence has reached beyond the U.S. border to affect the international patient population. - The Physician of the Year award will recognize a physician who has displayed significant involvement in community service, proven leadership, positive mentoring skills, and compassion and sensitivity, while collaborating with students and patients
- Hall of Fame award is to recognize an individual who has spent their career providing outstanding contributions leading to extraordinary strides in the field of healthcare - Excellence in Hospital/Health System Management award will recognize an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership while working to improve outcomes, patient safety, quality of care, community engagement, and consistency in results - Excellence in Pharmaceutical/Medical Device Research & Innovation award will recognizes a C-suite leader in a pharmaceutical, device, or health technology company that has created significant and proven impact on addressing a major disease state, surgical intervention or application of technology to improve upon current treatment and management options - Excellence in Delivering Quality & Cost Effective Pharmaceutical Alternatives award is to recognize a C-suite leader in a pharmaceutical, device, or health technology company that has created significant and proven impact by utilizing disruptive innovation and making available breakthrough and expensive treatment/management options and significant reduction in cost
The latest explosive book by Nobel Prize Nominee Kevin Annett

Kevin Annett
The latest explosive book by Nobel Prize Nominee Kevin Annett is " ... a modern day marvel and a pleasure to read ..." (Amazon reviewer Angelyn Ray, on "Samuel Wedge: Memoir of Necropolis", Author House, 2015)
Like Salman Rushdie’s Joseph Anton, Kevin Annett’s novel, through the scope and freedom of fiction, allows him to describe the trials of a man who seeks to oppose and bring to justice people in high places who are protected by the government, the justice system, and the popular media. The action ranges from Vancouver Island to Central Florida and spans some thirty years of the protagonist’s life. It is a human tragedy written with humor and compassion. It is strictly for a mature and serious readership of all ages. - From the back cover of "Samuel Wedge"
Reviews: Annett is an accomplished writer and a natural master of words. It's advisable to undertake the read when you can go into your own depths, whatever that takes. It will drag you through the sediment of your own basest impulses, inspire you to the rawest honesty a human heart can realize, and then dare you to bridge the great divide between, with no devices and no tools, equipped only with the laser burn of that searing honesty.

Kevin Annett's book
THE MAN: Galileo...Snowden...Socrates. Annett is a teacher among us from whom we could learn how to save the world (isn't that what we all want to do, yes, no?). In the end, he calls himself a witness. Not only has he seen and heard, he has told what he has seen and heard. It is that witness, which he brazenly puts forth in this novel, which will do its part to turn the tides we all ride in these times. A story not included in "Samuel Wedge" is an exorcism he once performed on the Vatican - the sort of "brazenness" to which I refer. The fact that he persists in the telling, using one medium after another, is a modern-day marvel, and I, for one, am grateful. - Amazon Books reviewer Angelyn Ray, February 10, 2015
Kevin Annett’s new novel, Samuel Wedge is a gradually evolving chronicle of evil told by an old man, trying but failing to escape from a terrible secret. More sober than Joyce Cary’s larcenous but charming Gulley Jimson, but devastated less by the honor of struggle than Ernest Hemingway’s Old Man, Santiago, Wedge vacillates between his Florida sanctuary and his former Davidian confrontation, his combat avec ses defenseurs, with overpowering adversaries as a former young pastor in a remote logging town on Vancouver Island.
- Florida reviewer Betty Richeson, February 18, 2015 "Samuel Wedge: Memoir of Necropolis" by Kevin D. Annett is available through and Barnes and Noble. Published by Author House (Bloomington, IN), 2015 . ($19.95) Also available through the author's distributor at and in "e" book format.
Let the Elect be joyful in glory; let the High Judgment of the Lord be in their mouths, and God's sword be in their hands, to execute justice against the rulers, and to bind their kings in chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron, so that they may execute upon them the judgment that is from God. This is the honor given to God's Elect. - Psalm 149:5-9
For as long as even one hundred of us remain alive, we shall never submit to the rule of the English Crown. For in truth it is not for honors, nor for riches, nor for glory that we fight, but for liberty, for that alone, which no honest man surrenders except with life itself. - The Declaration of Arbroath, Scotland, 1320
Newly Released Public Records Uncloak Lobbying Campaign to Re-Direct Marijuana Tax Revenue to Washington Cities
Jan 20, 2015
Gary Webb
Dear Colleague,
Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy reports that Washington state’s legal cannabis landscape is now dotted with cities that have banned or placed moratoriums, via zoning laws, on marijuana businesses that were authorized under a statewide referendum approved by voters in November 2012.
Conroy reports:
“Some 40 percent of Washington’s 281 cities have now gone that route, preventing legal marijuana businesses from operating in their communities. A number of the cities are opposed to legal cannabis businesses on principle, some because cannabis is still deemed illegal under federal law. But just as many or more are taking the stance as a means of wresting marijuana tax revenue from the state — which currently is the sole beneficiary of those taxes. The cities argue they need that new tax revenue in order to cover the cost of regulating marijuana businesses in their communities — with bulk of the sought-after tax proceeds being eyed for law enforcement purposes.
“… The role of [a special interest group called the] AWC in that process, and its considerable access to both LCB officials and board members, is revealed more clearly in the public records obtained by Narco News. In a prior story, Narco News published a timeline detailing the then-known roles of the LCB [the state agency that regulates legal marijuana], the Attorney General’s Office and the AWC in the rule-making process that now allows Washington cities to undercut legal marijuana businesses by banning them in their communities through the use of zoning rules — even those legal cannabis firms that have obtained a license from the LCB after investing tens of thousands of dollars in their ventures.
“… With the arrival of the recently requested public records, Narco News can now add even more clarity to the timeline. That transparency is critical to chronicling the grand experiment in marijuana legalization in Washington.”
Read the complete article online at Narco News: From somewhere in a country called América,
Al Giordano, Contribute to Narco News and The Field, Support the Fund for Authentic Journalism: The Fund for Authentic Journalism PO Box 1446 Easthampton, MA 01027 USA
AAPI’s Global Healthcare Summit Inaugurated in Mumbai by Honorable Shri Vidyasagar Rao, Governor of Maharashtra

AAPI’s Global Healthcare Summit being inaugurated in Mumbai by Vidyasagar Rao, Governor of Maharashtra, by the lighting of the traditional lamp
Governor applauds the achievements and contributions of Indian American Physicians in the healthcare field in the US and for the love for their motherland, India...
Mumbai, India: January 2nd, 2015: Hon. Shri Vidyasagar Rao, Governor of Maharashtra, inaugurated the 9th annual Global Healthcare Summit organized by the traditional lighting of the lamp at the Trident Hotel,Nariman Point in Mumbai on Thursday, January 2nd, 2015. Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President of AAPI, Dr. Jayant Banthia, former Chief Secretary to Government of Maharashtra, Dr. Seema Jain, President-Elect, Dr. Ajay Lodha, Vice President, Dr. Gautam Samadder, Secretary, Dr. Naresh Parikh, Treasurer and Dr. Ajeet Singhvi, Chairman, Board of Trustees of AAPI, joined the Governor in lighting of the traditional lamp to inaugurate the Global Healthcare Summit 2015, which is being attended by hundreds of delegates from around the world and India. The Governor of Maharashtra, in his inaugural address, applauded the achievements and contributions of Indian American physicians in the healthcare field in the United States and for their love for their motherland, which has made them come back to make a positive difference in the healthcare delivery system in India.
In his welcome address, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President of AAPI, gave a brief introduction into the making of the Global Healthcare Summit. “Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) held annually in India across the states in partnership with the Indian Medical Association (IMA), and Medical Council of India (MCI), with the cooperation from the Ministry of Health and Overseas Indian Affairs, has come to be recognized for the many initiatives it has given birth to and the numerous joint recommendations of the standard of care for major diseases affecting the people of India,” he said. Describing the GHS to be very unique and a truly pioneering effort to address areas of concern which are of significant consequences on health care scenario in India, Dr..Jahagirdar said, “Past summits have identified areas of mutual interest and also integrated advancements of healthcare facilities in India besides ways and means of tackling long term concerns leading to long-term collaborations.”
“Mumbai is very proud to host the 9th edition of the Global Healthcare Summit,” the Governor said. “When we hear about your contributions and achievements in the healthcare field, we feel so proud. You are uniting the whole world through your dedication, skills and contributions in the healthcare field,” he said. While expressing his appreciation and gratitude to AAPI delegates who have come from several countries around the world to be part of the healthcare Summit, Rao said, “My sincere appreciation goes to Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar and each physician who has come from across the globe for taking the time out to come and be part of the Healthcare Summit and explore ways to contribute to make healthcare more efficient, more affordable and accessible to all.”
India has emerged as a global economic power, the Governor said, and added that with the economic growth comes a social responsibility to make the fruits of economic growth reach every Indian. “The economic growth of the nation is also a call to invest in social programs, including making healthcare affordable and efficient for millions of people,” he said. While lamenting that there is a scarcity of trained physicians to work in the tribal regions, the Governor urged AAPI leaders and its members to identify ways to make healthcare reach the remotest villages in the state of Maharashtra. He appealed to the global delegates to explore ways to make healthcare women-centered, which is pivotal to the health of the nation and will help in reducing maternal mortality.
The Governor suggested that AAPI could collaborate in reaching healthcare in the remotest rural areas, in reducing maternal mortality and prevention and treatment of diabetes in India. Stating that he serves as the Chancellor of more than 20 Universities in the state of Maharashtra, he promised to make every effort to incorporate the contributions of AAPI in the sharing of medical knowledge in these higher learning institutions, which will benefit millions of students in the state. “If AAPI wants to establish or offer any educational opportunities in the state of Maharashtra, I commit my full cooperation in the areas of continuing medical education,” he said. Describing physicians of Indian origin as “most required Indians,” he appealed to the AAPI delegates to work with the government to “find ways to make healthcare to make healthcare affordable, accessible and efficient for all.” Earlier, while introducing the governor to the audience, Dr. Jayant Banthia described the Governor as a senior statesman who is committed to make healthcare affordable and accessible to all. In his brief vote of thanks, Dr. Ajeet Singhvi, chairman of the Board of Trustees of AAPI, urged AAPI members to work towards making a positive difference in the lives of the people of India.
In his introductory remarks, Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor to AAPI, said, “With the objective of enabling people in India to access high quality, affordable, and cost-effective world class health services, since the first summit we have achieved several tangibles including the engagement of all notable sections of Indian government, and a ground breaking start of an alliance between AAPI, IMA & MCI.” Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals, administration, academics, and healthcare facilities around the nation and the world. Over the years, they have carved a niche among the American medical community and the general public in the process earning a name for themselves with their compassion, hard work, dedication, brilliance, and amazing skills & talents,that have the roots in their culture.
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), that represents nearly 100,000 physicians, medial students and fellows of Indian origin in the US, and serving as an umbrella organization for more than 160 member associations nationwide, while being their voice and providing a forum to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, is committed to giving back to their motherland and to their adopted country, even as it constantly explores ways to enhance opportunities for the professional growth of Indian origin physicians around the world. The GHS 2015 being held in Mumbai will have educational and training programs areas that need special attention, and will include high priority areas such as Cardiology, Maternal & Child Health, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, HIT, Allergy, Immunology & Lung Health and Gastroenterology, Transplant and impact of comorbidities. The Summit will also help establish India-centric guidelines for management of head injury and trauma.
The scientific program of GHS 2015 is developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee. Pre-conference web based sessions have been offered to over 50,000 physicians and for the very first time, there will be live streaming of sessions during GHS 15 which will be viewed live by physicians from around the world. The Conference in collaboration with over 10 professional associations from all over the world, accredited from Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education for 14 hours of credits will be applied for. This is the first time use of LIVE webcasting technology to enable healthcare workers across the country to watch all the scientific sessions. Describing the message and theme for the Summit, Dr. Jahagirdar said, “AAPI has a mandate to help disseminate our medical knowledge, our expertise and technological advances to the rest of the world, and to India in particular.” Headquartered in Chicago, having a strong legislative presence in Washington, DC AAPI has come to be recognized as a strong voice in the healthcare legislation and policy arena. For additional information on AAPI and its Global Healthcare Summit, please;
Ajay Ghosh Media Consultant, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI of Queens and Long Island Celebrates 19 Years of Excellence4 Distinguished Physicians Honored During Annual Convention

(From left to right): Krishan Kumar, MD - President NYS AAPI; Jagdish Gupta, MD - Treasurer AAPIQLI; Raj Bhayani, MD - Convention Chair; Smita Lodha, MD; Judy Bosworth - Hempstead Town Supervisor; Mrs. Mangano, Ravi Jahagirdar,MD - President National AAPI; Mr, Edward Mangano, Ambassador Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay - Consul General of India; Ajay K. Lodha, MD - President AAPIQLI; Shashi Shah, MD, Chair BOT; Madhu Korrapati, MD - President Elect AAPIQLI; Rakesh Dua, MD - Secretary AAPIQLI; Vajinath Chakote, MD - Vice President AAPIQLI
Melville, NY: December 14th, 2014: Nearly 700 people from across the country came together to celebrate the contributions, achievements and growth of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) of QUEENS and LONG ISLAND during the 19th annual convention here at the Hilton Huntington, Melville, L.I., NY. First time in the history of AAPIQLI that a two day convention was held. Entertainment, CME lectures, Singles Speed Dating event, Exhibition, Business Forums, Networking, Recognition of four distinguished physicians for their achievements and contributions, Gala and Dinner were only some of those activities that made the convention historic on Saturday, December 13th, 2014.
In his presidential address, Dr. Ajay Lodha, President of AAPI-QLI and Vice President of national AAPI, describing the convention as a historic event gave an overview of the organization and its growth over the past 19 years to become one of the most powerful ethnic Physician organizations in the country. “AAPIQLI is fortunate to have a strong foundation made by its founding members. Nineteen Years ago a handful of Physicians sowed the seed of this organization and today it has grown to be a huge tree.”AAPIQLI represents more than 750 Physicians residing in Queens, Nassau and Suffolk serving the community of New York and its Counties, Dr. Lodha said. These practicing physicians are dedicated to provide highest quality of care to their patients and are also serving in most prominent positons at their medical institutions, including Administrative, Program Directors, Heads of Department, and Teaching .These leaders are making decisions about medical and Pharmaceutical Products, devices and equipment and practice related services at multiple levels in hospitals, medical school, outpatient centers, and health care facilities. “The annual convention is the show case of our organization,” Dr. Lodha went on to add. “It is attended by more than 600 guests, including physicians, their families, and several dignitaries, including chiefs of the health care facilities, hospitals, and Presidents of local organizations and several news media. works benefiting the community is a major contribution of AAPI-QLI.” AAPI-QLI has been actively involved in an abundance of charitable activities, Dr. Lodha said. “With the cooperation of Nassau County, we are in the process of opening a Charitable Health Clinic,” this announcement was met with loud applause.
“This year AAPI-QLI participated in The Childhood Obesity Awareness Program- generated by national AAPI. As part of the program, we visited local schools to educate the children directly about obesity and its long-term effects.”Moving forward, Dr. Lodha said, “The goal for AAPI-QLI is to expand our reach to all parts of the state and improve the educational and charitable experience of our members. We want to create a strong relationship with various organizations within our community that reflect our vision and mission. A new era has begun, AAPI-QLI will discover her own potential to be a player in shaping the health of each patient with a focus on health maintenance in addition to disease intervention. He thanked and praised the hard work and dedication of his excellent team that has contributed to the success of the Association.
Dr. Ganesh Bhat, currently serving as director on Kidney Care Council, a Washington D.C. based industry group working with the government to improve quality of care for patients on kidney dialysis, and as Chancellor of Xavier University School of Medicine in Oranjestad, Aruba in 2008, was recognized for his long and dedicated service to the people of New York State, especially in his role as a member of the prestigious New York State Public Health Council. Dr. Uma Mysorekar, a retired Obstetrician/Gynecologist, and serving as the President of the Hindu Temple Society of North America in Flushing, NY, was honored for his dedication to the Indian American community. Dr. Samin K. Sharma, who performs over 1500 complex coronary interventions annually, the highest in the country, while achieving an extremely low complication rate, was honored for this excellence in the medical field. Dr. Ashok Shaha, an attending Surgeon on the Head and Neck Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and is currently serving as the Jatin P. Shah Chair in Head and Neck Surgery, and Professor of Surgery at Cornell University, was another honored for this contributions to the medical world.
In his felicitation of AAPIQLI, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President of national AAPI described AAPIQLI as the most vibrant and powerful sub-chapter of national AAPI which represents more than 100,000 physicians and more than 20,000 resident and fellows of Indian subcontinent. “My friends, you do not know your own power. When AAPI speaks, people in Washington listen. AAPI has been in the forefront in shaping legislation in a number of complex challenges confronting the medical/healthcare system,” he said. He highlighted the lead role AAPI had played in Prime Minister Modi’s visit to New York recently, and the initiatives AAPI leadership with key Senators to have Dr. Vivek Murthy’s confirmation as the next US Surgeon General.Ambassador Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay, in his address, while complimenting the Indian American physicians for their achievements and contributions, said, “I am really proud and happy to be here with you this evening. There is a fascinating trajectory of Indo-US relations, especially with the appointment of Richard Rahul Verma, the first ever Indian to be the US Ambassador to India and the upcoming confirmation of Dr. Vivek Murthy as the US Surgeon General.” He lauded the contributions of AAPI, and urged it to have an “upgraded role.”
Nassau County Executive, Edward Mangano, in his felicitation address, said, “Indian American Physicians have earned the admiration and respect of those in their community, working diligently to provide vital programs and services that contribute to the quality of life in Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties in New York.” The event came to a close with dinner and a live musical performance by Bappi Lahiri and his team.
Ajay Ghosh Adjunct Faculty, Fordham University & University of Bridgeport Media Consultant, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Chief Editor, The Asian Era ( Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI’s Global Healthcare Summit To Feature Specialized Medical Workshops

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam(C), former Indian President
(Chicago, IL: October 31, 2014) The 9th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2015, organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in collaboration with the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, will be held at the prestigious Trident Oberoi Hotel, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India from January 2nd to 4th, 2015, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President of AAPI, announced here. The Summit to be held in collaboration with the and Indian Medical Association (IMA), the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) Indian Surgical Association, in addition to other national and international organizations and will have participation from some of the world’s most well known physicians and industry leaders, he added.
Healthcare in India is one of the largest sectors, in terms of revenue and employment, at present and for the future. India is making significant improvements in the healthcare infrastructure and is building modern medical facilities throughout India. Indian doctors have made tremendous progress in the 21st century and India is now being touted hailed as a medical tourism hub. At the same time, hundreds of millions suffer and die as a result of lack of access to healthy living conditions or effective health care provisions in many parts of the world, particularly in India. “The coming together of so many of us today is to share our responsibility to the entire community, and help to give support and comfort particularly in the time of despair,” Dr. Jahagirdar said. This innovative Summit is aimed at advancing the concept of accessibility, affordability and the quality of world-class healthcare to the people of India to the realm of reality. Among other areas, the Summit will focus on prevention, diagnosis, treatment options and share ways to truly improve healthcare transcending global boundaries.

Narendra Damodardas Modi(C)
An AAPI Team is on his way to Mumbai for yet another visit to coordinate efforts with local organizers to have the Summit flawlessly executed and that it exceeds its objectives to deliver outstanding programs geared towards enhancing skills, providing training and enabling exchange of ideas and best practices between leading experts from several countries to achieve this desired goal for all people of India. "AAPI USA has been engaged in harnessing the power of Indian diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India ,” Dr. Seema Jain, President-Elect of AAPI, said. “With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision of GHS2015. AAPI would like to make a positive and meaningful impact on the healthcare in India. For the first time, clinical practice workshops and Research Competetion will be held at this summit,” she added. According to Dr. Ajay Lodha, Vice President of AAPI, the Summit has also already attracted several India based professional associations. In addition, several international healthcare industry partners are looking for opportunities to participate in this event for greater collaboration on Research & Development and philanthropic engagements.
According to Drs. Dr. Gautam Samadder, Secretary of AAPI, “The scientific program of GHS is developed by leading experts with contributions by the Scientific Advisory Board and the International Scientific Committee on topics such as Trauma & Head Injury, Cardiology, Maternal and Child Health, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, Immunology & Lung Health, HIT, Allergy and the Impact of Co-morbidities. “ In addition, the Summit will feature plenary sessions, interactive round tablets, clinical practice workshops, and meet the expert sessions, along with scientific poster sessions that will facilitate dissemination and exchange of best practices. “As part of the CEO Forum in Mumbai, CEOs from around the world from hospitals, teaching institutions and major healthcare sectors, including pharmaceutical, medical devices and technology, will join to explore potential opportunities for collaboration,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, Treasurer of AAPI said.
Providing the background to the Summit, Dr. Ajeet Singhvi, Chairman, Board of Trustees, said, “This international health care summit is a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007.” Since then, AAPI has organized seven Indo - US/Global Healthcare Submits and developed strategic alliances with various organizations. It is these learning and relationships that have now enabled us to plan ahead and prepare for an outstanding event that has already received confirmation and endorsement from dozens of very prominent and talented physicians and surgeons that are very passionate about serving their homeland, Mother India.
Invited guests of honor & chief patrons include past President of India, Dr Harsh Vardhan, Health Minister of India, Governor of the State of Maharashtra, and Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai. In addition, multiple renowned glamour personalities from Bollywood and Literary fields are expected to attend. Dr. Jahagirdar urged all AAPI memers to come and be a part of this noble initiative of AAPI that impacts the lives of millions of Indfians. “The enthusiastic responses from local organizers and healthcare professionals from across India clearly demonstrated the credibility and appreciation for the commitment of AAPI and its members. Join this great effort, register now for the memorable event, and make the 2015 GHS in Mumbai a tremendous success.” For more information, please visit
Ajay Ghosh, Media Consultant, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI s Global Healthcare Summit 2015 To Be Held in Mumbai
Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President of AAPI, Dr. Seema Jain, President_Elect of AAPI, and Dr. Jayesh Shah, Immediate Past President of AAPI leading a strategic plannuing session in Mumbai regarding GHS 2015
The groundbreaking Summit from January 2-4, 2015 will discuss ways to bring the most innovative, efficient and cost effective healthcare solutions for India . Chicago, IL, September 3rd, 2014: The 9th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2015, organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in collaboration with the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, will be held at the prestigious Trident Oberoi Hotel, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India from January 2nd to 4th, 2015. “Harnessing the power of Indian doctors worldwide, the AAPI Global Healthcare Summit platform has evolved with the support of prominent global and Indian medical associations; including IMA, MCI, ASI, IPS, APA, API, ICON, JCI, AHA, Johns Hopkins and GAPIO,” says Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president of AAPI. In addition, several international healthcare industry partners are looking for opportunities to participate in this event for greater collaboration on Research & Development and philanthropic engagements, he adds.
According to him, “Senior leaders from leading healthcare organizations such as pharmaceuticals, device and medical equipment manufacturers and major medical teaching instituitons, hospitals and from the Ministries – Health, External/Overseas Affairs and regulatory bodies are collaborating with AAPI with the ultimate goal to provide access to high quality and affordable healthcare to all people of India.” While elaborating on the themes and areas that are going to be covered during the Summit, Dr. Seema Jain, President-Elect of AAPI, says, “In our efforts to realize the core mission of AAPI, which is to share the best from leading experts from around the world, to collaborate on clinical challenges, research and development, philanthropy, policy and standards formulation, the Summit in Mumbai will have clinical tracks that are of vital to healthcare in India.”
Chronic diseases, notably diabetes, cardiovascular, hypertension, COPD, oncology, maternal and infant mortality, and emerging ones - trauma and head injury, transplant and minimally invasive robotic surgeries are only some of those that are going to be covered during this Summit. An exclusive Healthcare CEO forum brings the healthcare industry perspective, with senior Government officials, both Union and State providing the legislative wisdom. Hands-on workshops provide supervised skill transfer. Bringing to the focus of the delegates and the various institutions that support this event, the Summit will also highlight the meaningful gains so far, and spearhead further initiatives through education, training, panel discussions and the results of such will be presented at the Mumbai event, disseminating the information to health providers up to District and Taluka levels across India utilizing innovative technology by streaming live webcast of the proceedings directly from the GHS venue.

Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President of AAPI leading a strategic planning session regarding the upcoming Global Healthcare Summit to be held in MUmbai
While elaborating the objectives of the Summit, Dr. Ajay Lodha, Vice President of AAPI, said, “This innovative Summit is aimed at advancing the accessibility, affordability and the quality of world-class healthcare to the people of India. Among other areas, the Summit will focus on prevention, diagnosis, treatment options and share ways to truly improve healthcare transcending global boundaries.” This international health care summit is a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007. Since then, AAPI has organized eight Indo - US/Global Healthcare Summits and developed strategic alliances with various organizations. It is these learning and relationships that have now enabled AAPI and participating organizations to plan ahead and prepare for an outstanding event that is expected to have over 300 very prominent and talented physicians and surgeons of Indian oriing from around the world and are very passionate about serving their homeland, Mother India.
Healthcare in India is one of the largest sectors, in terms of revenue and employment. India is making significant improvements in the healthcare infrastructure and is building modern medical facilities throughout India. Indian doctors have made tremendous progress in the 21st century and India is now being touted as a medical tourism hub. At the same time, hundreds of millions suffer and die as a result of lack of access to healthy living conditions or effective health care provisions in many parts of the world, particularly in India. “The coming together of so many of us gives hope these individuals and families that they no longer need to despair.,” Dr. Jahadirdar says. “Being organized at this critical phase, GHS 2015 is aimed at exploring possibilities for greater collaboration and cooperation between the physicians and health care providers in India with those of Indian origin and major health-care providers abroad,” he explains For more information, please visit or
Ajay GhoshAdjunct Faculty, Fordham University & University of BridgeportMedia Consultant, American Association of Physicians of Indian OriginChief Editor, The Asian Era ( # (203) 583-6750
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